40 days of Prayer
Known as a dynamic, passionate, and engaging teacher, Dr. Samaan will share from the Bible and his book Christ's Way to Pray. He is a renowned international speaker on the topics of prayer and spirituality.
June 1st 2024
9:30 am: "The Four P's of Prayer"
11 am: "The Fragrance of Christ"
1 am: Potluck meal
2pm: Harp Concert-Sherilyn Samaan
3 pm: "The Power of Prayer and Witness"
Q&A to follow

Dr. Philip G. Samaan has been a theology professor at Southern Adventist University and The Theological Seminary at Andrews University, as well as having served as the chief editor of the Adult Sabbath School Lesson and as a missionary in Africa. He and his wife, Sherilyn, have been married for over 50 years. They share a daughter, a professor of Theology at AdventHealth University in FL, a grandson aged 12, and a granddaughter aged 7.

Do your prayers seem to bounce off the wall and back into your face? Do you feel as if your petitions barely reach the ceiling before falling back shattered at your feet? How can your puny prayers become prevailing prayers? Christ's Way to Pray explains that the answer is not found in focusing on our prayers or the prayers of others. The real an- swer is found in joining our weak prayers with Christ's mighty prayers, the Christ who passionately and perpetually prays for us and with us.