How to Thrive Emotionally

with Amanda Anguish, LMFT

Don't let anxiety and
depression get you down.

Saturday, April 17th at 2:00pm

Depression and anxiety are fast becoming a mental health crisis in America and with recent events and stressors it's likely that someone you know suffers with it.
Out of concern for the members of our faith family we are seeking to minister to those suffering with depression and anxiety or perhaps know someone who is struggling and want to learn more to be a help to them.
Therefore we are pleased to have a special ZOOM presentation from Amanda Anguish, Licensed Therapist, from Beautiful Minds Medical in California.   Amanda’s counseling experience includes substance abuse, depression, anxiety, teenage growing pains, spiritual development, and issues that affect relationships. Amanda also enjoys lecturing on a variety of mental health topics. She's also part of the team at Weimar Lifestyle Center that runs the 10 day in-house Nedley Depression and Anxiety Program with Dr. Nedley.
This ZOOM presentation will be hosted Saturday April 17th afternoon at 2:00pm.  Click the link below to join in and learn more about this important topic:
Join Zoom Meeting
Also Amanda will be coming to BFC in person the weekend October 16th so mark your calendars!